Mental Health Write For Us
Mental health disorders are medical conditions that negatively affect a person’s cognitive, emotional, and relational health and interfere with daily functioning. Many risk factors have been recognized as contributing to such conditions.
These include a family history of mental illness, life stressors, trauma, childhood abuse, substance abuse, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, and low socioeconomic status. Chronic physical illness is also a known danger factor for mental comorbidities.
As of 2010, mental illness and addiction caused nearly 184 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), or >7% of the global total. This figure was recently adjusted to 32% Years Lived with Disability (YLD) and 13% DALYs.
Mental health disorders accompanying physical disabilities are relevant in this situation, as they are responsible for the most significant number of deaths worldwide. Mental illness alone causes the third-highest number of deaths worldwide. More than one in four people will have one or more mental or behavioral problems at some point.
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