Healthier living At Wellness Haven, we believe in gradually changing our lifestyle to be healthy. But, unfortunately, we don’t think so in yo-yo behavior patterns that destroy the way of life for the worse rather than, the better.
We also believe that “losing body weight” is simply a by-product of transitioning to a healthy lifestyle and is not the program’s central goal. In the long term, changes in eating habits make the most significant difference. Our students realize this, experience it, and tell us that they feel lighter in body and spirit, that they need to change to smaller clothes, that their yoga forms have improved, that their family eats healthier, and that many physical problems have disappeared. This is because no more heartburn or heartburn or feeling bloated, no more headaches, switch to healthy positive thinking, and overall much happier.
We believe that all three aspects of life must come together for a joyful and peaceful human being: the PHYSICAL aspects through yoga asanas and nutrition and the MENTAL and SPIRITUAL aspects through breathing practices and meditation.
Get back to healthy living today because life should be lived in peace and joy. For those who still worry about the financial investment in their own body, pay attention to the following:
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